Book Lovers Day is Today!

book lovers day

In case you’re not aware, August 9 is Book Lovers Day. What is it you ask?

Well, basically an excuse to read all day, and that sounds pretty good to me. It’s an unofficial holiday (celebrated in the US and I assume elsewhere though I’m not sure) promoting reading and celebrating bookworms and their voracious appetites for books.

Here are 5 ways to celebrate:

  1. Stay in and read (an obvious one)
  2. Visit your favorite bookstore and/or local library
  3. Buy a gift for the favorite bookworm in your life
  4. Reread your favorite book
  5. Spread the word about Book Lovers Day!

I’m lucky because I’m on vacation in Emerald Isle, NC, and get to read on the beach all day. It’s also why this post is extremely short because who has time to blog when sitting on the beach? šŸ™‚

So, tell me, how are you celebrating?

Alexa M.

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